This summer, you can earn 2 extra credit points applied to a first quarter class grade by reading one book and completing and submitting one of these activities by Wednesday, September 13, 2017.

If you wish to choose your own summer reading book, you must submit your choice to Ms. Charpentier for approval through the following Google Form:

The 50+ recommended books below do not require prior approval; if you wish to read any of these books, you are all set. Happy reading!

Use these links to narrow down the list of recommended books, or keep scrolling to browse the entire list.

adult   -   adventure   -   biography/memoir   -   classic   -   fantasy   -   feminism   -   fiction   -   graphic novel   -   historical fiction   -   history   -   horror   -   humor   -   LGBTQ+   -   military   -   mystery   -   nonfiction   -   paranormal    -  poetry   -   psychology   -   religion   -   romance   -   science   -   science fiction   -   self-improvement   -   sports   -   staff recommendations   -   student recommendations   -   thriller   -   travel writing   -   young adult